Monkey - April 2014


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Chinese-astrological-monthly-update-monkey Astrological Sign Monkey:

April the 3rd month of  Jia Wu  - Wood Horse Year

(from April 5th  to  May 5th, 2014)

Monkey born people may find themselves with a short temper and a grumpy mood due to a quarrelsome influence of the stars. It may seem that others oppose you just to tease you, but turn down the allurement to argue since there is a possibility that it will turn something small into a big issue. Also, situations at work can be disagreeable. Watch your back from a backbite coworker. To protect from the debatable star keep red apples on your deck or carry red apple keychain. Place a bowl of water in the Southwest of your home or living room. Try to take it easy, keep yourself busy with meditation or relaxing activities like a massage, Spa or Sauna.


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- Shasheta

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