Boar - April 2014


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Astrological Sign Boar:

April  is a 3rd  month of  Jia Wu – Wood Horse Year 

(from April 5th  to  May 5th, 2014)


This will be a difficult month for the Boar due to a negative star in the chart. Boar born people may go through loss of reputation provoked by your secret enemies. This situation could affect the Boar for long term and permanently undermine the reputation depending on how the Boar deals with it. Also there is  a possibility of money loss; stay away from risky plans and do not believe anyone easily, even to close friends. In addition, a Boar relationship is in a turbulent mode. To protect it, place an Amethyst Slab with red string.   To protect from harmful energy carry an amulet and to protect from money loss carry a Lock Coin. Do not focus on the problems and keep your attention on something pleasant.


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